Enthusiastic visitors to our stand at PMRExpo 2023
Many thanks for the numerous visits and the enthusiastic feedback on our 24/7 Swivel Chairs.

28. - 30. November 2023
Koelnmesse, Halle H 08.1, Stand B-023
Our chairs at the IAA in Munich
RECARO Automotive is represented at the IAA in Munich on a Motorworld joint booth with our chairs. Hall: B4 | BoothNo: B50

Great feedback at the EuroMotor trade fair in Stuttgart
We would like to thank all visitors to our booth at the Exhibition EuroMotor Stuttgart from 29.11.-01.12.2019 for your great feedback you have given us!

CAS-Office Line-01|-02
Office Line Ergonomic Chair
… because people are different | CAS-Office Line-01 | CAS-Office Line-02
Walter Röhrl visiting us.
Race legend Walter Röhrl “discovered” our RECARO office chairs at our booth during the Retro Classics in Stuttgart.
Quotation Walter Röhrl: “I am sitting on RECARO seats for all my working/racing life.”
So it was a pleasure to sign the carbon back shell of one of our RECARO Office Cross Sportster CS.

RECARO New swivel chairs
RECARO Swivel Chairs at the anniversary „50 years body-contoured seat“

RECARO Expert EL Star and Specialist EL Star EL | ... more

Utility XL 24/7 | ... more

RECARO Sportster CS Star „Performance Edition“

Comfort at the workplace ...
... with quality produced in the Allgäu.
As a developer, manufacturer and sales company we specialise in the production and sale of high-quality ergonomic office chairs.
We focus on developing exclusive office chairs based on car seats. We also produce custom-made chairs.
RECARO at Cento advanced seating GmbH from 01.06.2016
With an swivel chair of RECARO and cento advanced seating you are not only sitting but you are experiencing RECARO.
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